Curricula Vitae
Pastor, Head of Staff
Lighthouse Christ Presbyterian Church
Ormond Beach, FL (2023 - present)
Visit my current ministry at
Here's a fun little highlight reel about my version of being a pastor, submitted to the Lighthouse Pastoral Search Team in 2023.
Pastor, Head of Staff
Faith United Presbyterian Church
Washington, PA (2012 - 2023)
Preached sermons that brought together Scripture, liturgy, and confessional insights. The congregation became more familiar with the seasons of the church, such as Advent and Lent, and liturgical days such as Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. Members became more interested in Reformed worship because I connected proclamation with community practices. I cultivated active listening by publishing an upcoming “preaching menu” and blogging about worship topics.
Taught focused, practical classes to educate and equip learners for contemporary life. As I facilitated an environment of trust and openness, undergirded by subject matter expertise, members explored topics such as “How to Pray with and For Other People”, “Learning to Forgive”, and “Social Issues.” I taught classes in person and online. I led a Men’s Group which explored “The Psalms: A Playlist for Your Soul” and I offered catechism to teens, leading many to active membership.
Promoted prayer and personal devotion. I led workshops on Daily Prayer – the PCUSA version of fixed-hour prayer, which weaves together prayer, Scripture, and psalm reading. Members reported a deeper and more diversified prayer life after learning this method. I taught classes on spiritual practices like fasting and meditation, which members have put into practice. I conducted a congregation-wide survey on spiritual lifestyles and interpreted the data and used it to help members identify their path toward spiritual maturity.
As head of a five-person staff, I steered employees through challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on resiliency techniques, such as cognitive re-framing and positive messaging, which helped them overcome stress and fatigue. Staff vitality contributed to consistent worship attendance, membership retention, and financial stability for our congregation. I provided performance consultation and advocated for compensation, thus building staff morale and loyalty.
Guided church leaders. As moderator of the session, I mentored elders in parliamentary procedure with a cooperative spirit, resulting in elders serving multiple terms. In partnership with professional consultants, I conducted visioning workshops, thereby helping leaders to identify ministry options and to achieve goals, such as enhancing the physical security of our facility and matching our policies to denominational and legal best practices.
Supported the use of technology in worship and work. In our increasingly media driven culture, I spear-headed the effort to improve our webpage, social media, and mobile app presence. Appropriate uses of technology enabled leaders to work together effectively and efficiently. Our “digital front door” opened our congregation to visitors who were looking for a contemporary and welcoming church.
Cared for church members, their families, and friends by responding to the critical events of death, sickness, and tragedy, as well as celebrating the joyful occasions of weddings, births, and baptisms. I worked with the Deacons to distribute segments of the congregation to their care. I collaborated with Stephen Ministry to connect members with confidential peer-based support.
Provided compassionate, trained counseling to individuals and families across the spectrum of life issues, including marital and family problems, work stress, health concerns, and spiritual direction. I served as a liaison between the church and support agencies in the community, such as professional counseling services and 12-Step groups.
United States Navy (2003-2012)
As program developer, led multi-day retreats for service members to enhance spirituality, marital health, and individual well-being. Trained caregivers to recognize suicide danger and to offer life-saving interventions.
As Command Chaplain, provided religious care to 300 personnel through divine services, workplace visitation, and confidential counseling, so that spiritual health was maintained through an arduous 10-month deployment cycle.
As a member of a clinical team, provided care to patients, families, and staff of a medical/surgical hospital through visitation, counseling, training, and medical board consultation.
As a Reservist, provided pastoral care to service members and families in the context of law enforcement and search and rescue operations.
Associate Pastor
Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Miami, FL (2000-2003)
Provided pastoral care for a 250-member church in a culturally, economically, and racially diverse environment, with a special focus on Stephen Ministry, family/youth programs, and education for all ages.
Education and Certifications
National Certified Counselor, National Board for Certified Counselors, 2023.
Christian Spirituality, Doctor of Ministry. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, PA. 2021.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master's Degree. Waynesburg University, PA. 2017.
Divinity, Master's Degree. Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ. 2000.
Clinical Pastoral Education. University of Pennsylvania Hospital, PA. 1999.
Comparative Religious Studies, Bachelor of Arts Degree. University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. 1994.